As you are already aware, new restrictions were put in place throughout the country today to help in controlling the spread of COVID-19. Dromoland Castle Golf is working to ensure the utmost safety of both staff and golfer alike.
The restrictions (from 6pm today until Sunday 29th March) do not prevent club competitions or casual rounds of golf taking place, however we need to be cognisant of the social nature of our game and how this element of it is impacted.
Golf is a great sport for people to get out and about, exercise and enjoy fresh air. It is played in an outdoor setting where the risk of contracting COVID-19 is low.
We have taken the following measures to optimise the safety of our valued golfers and staff members and we would kindly ask that you assist us in following these measures to aid in controlling the virus.
· Availability of hand sanitisers throughout the clubhouse
· Replacement of towels with paper towels in both gents and ladies locker rooms
· We would ask members not to come into the clubhouse with colds or any symptoms of COVID-19
· Regular cleaning of surfaces including door handles – hourly in public places
· When on the green, do not remove the pin from the hole
· Where possible, please refrain from picking up other players clubs
· Common courtesies – handshakes and other embraces associated with the etiquette of the game – should be avoided and participants may bump elbows or fists as an alternative.
· Buggies and hire clubs will be thoroughly deep cleaned before and after each use
· To assist in following the national guidelines regarding social distancing, we have ensured that all tables in The Fig Tree Restaurant are one metre apart