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‘January Is The Beginning Of The Gardening Year’

Gardening is all about relationships. The relationship between the garden and its surroundings, between the hard and soft landscaping and between the plants themselves. A garden is for all seasons in a succession of colour, texture and interest throughout the year.

January is the beginning of the garden year and a time for renewed energy and planning.

Jobs at this time are mostly about keeping things trim and tidy.

-Prune Wisteria, Mahonia, Viburnum, Apple and Pear trees while still dormant and shape them.

-Cut back Cornus Salix, and ornamental grasses

-Tidy up herbaceous perennial, lift and divide established plant to improve vigour. Lift divide and replant snowdrops which have finished flowering.

- Plant bare rooted roses, shrub trees and support them.

-Move deciduous trees, shrubs, provided it is not frosty or water logged.

-Plant summer flowering bulbs like lilies and gladioli.

-Plan vegetable plot, good crop rotation prevents pest and disease building up in the soil.


Sow the following seeds in a heated greenhouse for early plants.

-Sweet Pea





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